
Forensic Anthropology Review Puzzle Activity


In this FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY (MAD LIB STYLE) PUZZLE activity, students will practice calculating the height of an unknown person.

3 pages – 1 MB – Zip


Do you need an engaging activity to practice height calculations in Forensic Science? In this FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY (MAD LIB STYLE) PUZZLE activity, students will practice calculating the height of an unknown person by using information about the length of their bones.

The Scenario:

A mass grave has been found and anthropologists have identified the bones of 9 bodies found in the grave. They need your students’ help to identify the bodies. Your students will use the clues provided to estimate the height of the unknown victims. Then, they will use the answers they get to generate a funny story about their teacher. This is a much more fun approach to the traditional practice worksheet, and the students adore reading the story to the class. They get very excited to see which of their teachers is the “star” of the story. I have provided an editable files so that you can personalize the names/places/events in the story!

Note: Only story elements can be changed, not the actual problems.

Need a digital option? No problem! I have included both a print and digital version of this resource, making it perfect for flipped classrooms, distance learning, online courses and traditional classrooms.
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