It’s Back to School time and that means that it’s likely that you will be teaching your students all about the LAB EQUIPMENT that they will see this coming year. Provide them with DIFFERENTIATED review/reinforcement with this LAB EQUIPMENT MAZE WORKSHEET!
►You will receive 2 versions of this worksheet- one for Physical Sciences and the other for Life Sciences (since the lab equipment will differ depending on the Science).
► Each worksheet will include 2 different levels (intermediate and advanced) so that you can provide differentiated instruction according to your students’ needs.
►All four worksheets include an answer key for easy grading.
►Use as a homework assignment, end of class assessment, race/game, or part of a station activity for a quick review before a quiz/test.
***Bundle and SAVE 30%**** with my Physical Science MAZES: [GROWING] Worksheet Bundle – a growing collection of maze worksheets for your Physical Science students!
You can find individual MAZE WORKSHEETS (by topic) by clicking the links below.
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